
Thanks to our expert buyers, expeditors, logistics officers and material controllers within our remote locations and to the experience of our supply chain professionals, we can provide excellent sourcing, expediting and logistics support to our projects. Where necessary, we also have strong relationships with third party agencies who we can engage to enhance our service on a case by case basis.


Thanks to our expert buyers, expeditors, logistics officers and material controllers within our remote locations and to the experience of our supply chain professionals, we can provide excellent sourcing, expediting and logistics support to our projects. Where necessary, we also have strong relationships with third party agencies who we can engage to enhance our service on a case by case basis.

Local delivery has always been central to the way SMARTECH work, underpinned by robust business practices. We work with local suppliers and develop local capabilities wherever possible, and all goods and services are procured in an ethical and cost-effective manner.

The key success factors to our supply chain operations are:

SMARTECH works with approved vendor lists from our clients.